There are some special things that happen only once in a lifetime (if you´re lucky enough!), and no doubt about it, one of them is beating a Guiness Record!
Well, we´ve recently had the honor to participate in an event which leitmotiv was precisely trying to beat the official Guiness Record of the Largest display of origami pigs.
We were glad to do our part in order for the event to turn out perfect, with the additional pride of doing so in our own installations as hosts in our beloved AV Studio; it was a real pleasure to have the client´s team, the press covering the act and the team from the Guiness Records institution as guests in our studio enjoying a different kind of event for Interporc.
Naturally, the 3000 origami pigs record was beaten, and so was certified by the person responsible from Guiness Records. The event could be followed through live streaming thanks to our team, which made sure we had a stable and seamless transmission.